Our Services

We are specialized in the research of the products required by the customer and in the creation of custom made items tailored to the buyer’s needs...

Logistic & Consolidation

DECOR ITALIANO provides its logistics to coordinate the relationship with Italian suppliers, to ensure the consolidation of products and orders.

Partners & Brand Companies

We are in contact with a lot of Made in Italy Furnishing Manufactures with whom we have important agreements for the development of foreign markets

Customer's assistance

DECOR ITALIANO is able to create a level of excellence in respect of time, assembly, logistics, after-sales, communication, ...


(+39) 0575 581400

Indirizzo Azienda

Piazza Tanucci 23 - 52015 Stia (AR)
P.IVA/Cod. Fisc. nr. 06647530481

Chi siamo

Paolo Caleri - Proprietario SIC srl (consigliere) Dott. Giancarlo Bargiacchi - presidente Arch. Massimo Percopo - Amm. Delegato